Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chicago cancelled...

John worked so hard to get us to the airport early, but that was the least of our problems. At about 2:30pm yesterday we get a call from American Airlines our flight has been cancelled to Chicago. Great right!! We were supposes to fly from Chicago to London then London to Rome. So John got on the phone to try and figure out what was going on. So all flights out of Tulsa to Chicago were cancelled!! Fortunately the lady that helped us was able to get is on a flight first thing Sunday morning. The downside to that was that we wouldn't get into Rome until Monday morning and we would miss our Vatican tour. Also we had to rent a car and drive to Bentonville Arkansas, the walmart roots.

So we finally got a car and got home and slept for a grand total of 3 hours, then got on the road for Arkansas. It took us roughly 2.5 hours to get there. By the way the airport is in the middle of no where lol!!! So we checked in and finally got on our flight to Chicago!!! We arrived in Chicago around 10 am, and went to wait on our flight to New York. Then the New York flight got delayed until 3pm!!! Our flight to Rome was supposed to leave at 5:45 pm. So the best husband in the world got on the ball again!! Poor guy he's so sweet he has taken care of everything!! He drove us to arkansas and has been dealing with all the airline people. My job has only been to watch our carryons and try to stay positive!!

So John got us on a flight that leaves straight from Chicago to Madrid and then Madrid to Rome!! Now I am sitting with the luggage at the gate we are supposed to leave out of, while John went out through security to check us in and get boarding passes because it's a different airline than American. He also made sure or checked bag got transferred to the right plane. He also got our tours changed an we get to stay another day. He is also trying to sweet talk his way into first class for us!! He got us first class coming back from Rome. He also took care of our hotel reservations so that we can check in on Monday and leave Saturday.

Even if something else happens and we don't make it to Rome I have had the best time with John just hanging out with eachother!! If nothing else I have a greater appreciation for my hubby!!! He is the best ever!!! Now I'm going to have to best positive attitude ever and we will totally get to Rome even I'd I have to swim the Atlantic to get there!!!!!

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